

A JavaScript class to simply generate and handle HTML form wizards.

You can find a very simple demo at this link, and the API here.

Getting started


To install Zangdar, you just have to download zangdar.min.js in the dist folder and add a script into your HTML page :

<script src="path/to/zangdar.min.js"></script>

Your have to add this basic CSS to your styles too :

.zandgar__wizard .zandgar__step {
    display: none;
.zandgar__wizard .zandgar__step.zandgar__step__active {
    display: block;

Basic usage

Here a basic HTML form with sections to separate wizard parts :

<form id="my-form">
    <section data-step="coords">
        <input type="text" name="name" placeholder="Your name here...">
        <input type="text" name="email" placeholder="Your email here...">
        <button data-next>Next</button>
    <section data-step="security">
        <input type="password" name="password" placeholder="Your password here...">
        <input type="password" name="password_confirm" placeholder="Confirm your password here...">
        <button data-prev>Previous</button>
        <button data-next>Next</button>
    <section data-step="personal">
        <input type="date" name="birthdate" placeholder="Your birthdate...">
        <input type="text" name="addresss" placeholder="Your address here...">
        <input type="number" name="zipcode" placeholder="Your zipcode here...">
        <input type="text" name="city" placeholder="Your city here...">
        <button data-prev>Previous</button>
        <button type="submit">Send</button>

And you just have to instanciate Zandgar with the selector of the form you wan't to handle :

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
    const wizard = new Zangdar('#my-form')

And.. voilĂ  ! You have a fully functional wizard ! :)

Options & Events

You can pass an object of options as second class parameter. This is very useful, especially for adding events to the wizard lifecycle.

List of properties here :

Name Type Default Description
step_selector String [data-step] Wizard step section selector
prev_step_selector String [data-prev] Wizard step previous button (or any element) selector
prev_step_selector String [data-next] Wizard step next button (or any element) selector
submit_selector String [type="submit"] Wizard form submit button selector
active_step_index Number 0 Wizard active step index (useful to define active step on wizard instanciation)
classes.form String zandgar__wizard Wizard form CSS class
classes.prev_button String zandgar__prev Wizard previous button (or any element) CSS class
classes.next_button String zandgar__next Wizard next button (or any element) CSS class
classes.step String zandgar__step Wizard step section CSS class
classes.step_active String zandgar__step__active Wizard active step section CSS class

List of events here :

Name Type Default Parameters Description
onSubmit Function null {Event} e Wizard form custom submit handler (see example below)
onStepChange Function null {WizardStep} step
{Object} oldStep
{Number} direction
{HTMLFormElement} form
method triggered when a step changes (see example below)
onValidation Function null {WizardStep} step
{NodeListOf} fields
{HTMLFormElement} form
method triggered on wizard step HTML validation (see example below)
customValidation Function null {WizardStep} step
{NodeListOf} fields
{HTMLFormElement} form
method triggered on wizard step HTML validation (see example below)

Here there are examples for the events listed above :

const wizard = new Zangdar('#my-form', {
    onSubmit(e) {
        // Ajax call, custom form processing or anything you wan't to do here...
        return false
    onStepChange(step, oldStep, direction, form) {
        const breadcrumb = this.getBreadcrumb() // this refers to Zangdar form wizard instance
    onValidation(step, fields, form) {
        if (step.hasErrors()) {
            // ...
        // Here a treatment after HTML native validation...
    customValidation(step, fields, form) {
        // Use the Formr library to validate fields (
        const validator = new Formr(form)
        if (step.labeled('...')) {
                .required('name', 'email', 'password', 'confirm_password')
                .string('name', 'email', 'password', 'confirm_password')
                .length('password', 3, 20)
                .length('confirm_password', 3, 20)
                .same('password', 'confirm_password')
             if (!validator.isValid()) {
                 // ...
                 return false
             return true